The following is an excerpt from an ancient Hindu text, written around 500 bce. Excerpt: Chapter 16.6 - 16.24 There are two kinds of beings in this world—those endowed with a divine nature and those possessing a demoniac nature. I have described the divine qualities in detail, O Arjun. Now hear from me about the demoniac nature. Those possessing a demoniac nature do not comprehend which actions are proper and which are improper. Hence, they possess neither purity, nor good conduct, nor even truthfulness. They say, “The world is without Absolute Truth, without any basis (for moral order), and without a God (who has created or is controlling it). It is created from the combination of the two sexes, and has no purpose other than sexual gratification.” Holding fast to such views, these misdirected souls, with small intellect and cruel actions, arise as enemies of the world threatening its destruction. Harboring insatiable lust, full of hypocrisy, pride and arrogance, the demoniac cling to their false tenets. Thus illusioned, they are attracted to the impermanent and work with impure resolve. They are obsessed with endless anxieties that end only with death. Still, they maintain with complete assurance that gratification of desires and accumulation of wealth is the highest purpose of life. Held in bondage by hundreds of desires, and driven by lust and anger, they strive to accumulate wealth by unjust means, all for the gratification of their senses. The demoniac persons think, “I have gained so much wealth today, and I shall now fulfill this desire of mine. This is mine, and tomorrow I shall have even more. That enemy has been destroyed by me, and I shall destroy the others too! I am like God Himself, I am the enjoyer, I am perfect, I am powerful, and I am happy. I am wealthy and I have highly placed relatives. Who else is equal to me? I shall perform sacrifices (to the celestial gods); I shall give alms; I shall rejoice.” In this way, they are deluded by ignorance. Possessed and led astray by such imaginings, enveloped in a mesh of delusion, and addicted to the gratification of sensuous pleasures, they descend to the murkiest hell. Such self-conceited and stubborn people, full of pride and arrogant in their wealth, perform ostentatious sacrifices in name only, with no regard to the rules of the scriptures. Blinded by egotism, strength, arrogance, desire, and anger, the demonic abuse Me, who am present in their own body and in the bodies of others. These cruel and hateful persons, the vile and vicious of humankind, I constantly hurl into the wombs of those with similar demoniac natures in the cycle of rebirth in the material world. These ignorant souls take birth again and again in demoniac wombs. Failing to reach Me, O Arjun, they gradually sink to the most abominable type of existence. There are three gates leading to the hell of self-destruction for the soul—lust, anger, and greed. Therefore, one should abandon all three. Those who are free from the three gates to darkness endeavor for the welfare of their soul, and thereby attain the supreme goal. Those who act under the impulse of desire, discarding the injunctions of the scriptures, attain neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme goal in life. Therefore, let the scriptures be your authority in determining what should be done and what should not be done. Understand the scriptural injunctions and teachings, and then perform your actions in this world accordingly. Source:
They are not evil by mere happenstance. They are not vile and inhumane because they lack understanding or information. They are systematically, methodically evil. They use and abuse truth and justice to steal other people's time, affection, money, fame, and wealth. They are the epitome of all that I fight against - the ones who must endure the shadows - for any light of truth is too much for their jaundiced eyes. These creatures - which the collective has ignored - even now, pull on my strength - just as they have done my whole entire life. Folks, who instead of reaching out a helping hand, who instead of providing just one soothing word of comfort and support - admonish, destroy, lie, defame and demoralize. These are evil people. Those that would take the breath of truth from our lungs and then call us pathetic - helpless - even as we fight for our very lives. They snarl, and smirk, and in their contempt we know - they are Unredeemable. They have staunchly chosen ego, pride, vanity, cruelty, and self-centered greed - even as they cloaked themselves in nonprofits and pretty smiles. We - the collective - watch as they pull yet another victim under. Feeling the weight of that silence, as though we tied the cinder block to their feet ourselves. No longer. I, for one, will stand - though it has cost me nearly everything. I will stand and say No More! No more evil. No more lies. No more hidden agendas. The truth comes. Comes to one and all. X 01/26/2024 *To my stalkers, and all the folks who enjoyed the gossip and the show - please understand now - I will not lower myself to the standards you have set. **Let the tide pull you under should you refuse to rise. What is Neurogenesis: Basically, it’s growing new brain buds. However, a worldlier explanation might be: Neurogenesis is the process by which baby neurons are born within the brain. Wait a minute!! Weren’t we all taught in school that the central nervous system - including the brain – was incapable of growth after childhood? In fact, in 1928 Santiago Ramón y Cajal, the father of modern neuroscience, proclaimed that the brains of adult humans never make new neurons. Yeah… well, in 1992 Professors Perry Bartlett and Linda Richards discovered that’s not even close to being true. In fact, they discovered that adult mouse brains contain Neural Stem Cells. Since then it’s been confirmed they also occur in the amygdala. *Stem cells were originally discovered in parts of the adult brain in the 1990’s. (Stem cells can virtually become any cell in the entire body, such as neural progenitor cells.) But… what good is it? For one thing, neurogenesis could be the key to treating neurodegenerative conditions such as: Alzheimer's. How It Work: Adult neurogenesis takes place in 3 different regions in the brain: • Subgranular Zone (SGZ) • Subventricular Zone (SVZ) • Amygdala Neuro Stem Cells can divide infinitely, and some become Neural Progenitor Cells – which can then become Glial Cells. Glial Cells then break down into: • Astrocyts • Oligodendrocyts • Microglia Hundreds of these cells are thought to be added Every Day to the hippocampus—a comma-shaped structure involved in learning and memory. Which basically means, by doing things that increase neurogenesis like regular exercise and having sex, you can create any dog-gone part of the human brain you might need. Even those that have been damaged due to drug use, stroke, or illness. “Exercise increases neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus, resulting in the increased production of newborn neurons.” The University of Queensland ( Hehehe “baby neurons” – now that’s a kid’s show I would watch! Things That Shrink Brain Buds: 1. Depression 2. Sedentary Life 3. Smoking Tobacco 4. A Soft-Food Diet (Per Japanese studies chewing increases neurogenesis) Things That Help Bigger-Better-Brain-Buds Grow: 1. Chronic Exercise – like… every day. Or… at least 3-4 times per week. 2. Restricting Calories by 20 – 30% 3. Intermittent Fasting 4. Intake of Flavanoids (things like: parsley, onions, black tea, berries, bananas) 5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids (things like fish and Grass Fed Beef) 6. Resveratrol (as can be found in Red Wine) What the Science Says: “So, collectively, now we think we have enough evidence to say that neurogenesis is a target of choice if we want to improve memory formation or mood, or even prevent the decline associated with aging, or associated with stress.” Sandrine Thuret (TedTalk link below) “Neurogenesis declines in the aging brain, mainly as a consequence of the reduction in the size of the progenitor cell pool. Both running and EE can counteract the decreased neuronal production reported in aging animals, acting through different mechanisms (Kempermann et al., 2010). Running acts at two levels to enhance neurogenesis: increasing the rate of proliferation of neural progenitor cells (van Praag et al., 1999b, 2005; Cooper et al., 2018), and accelerating the maturation and functional integration of developing neurons (Trinchero et al., 2017). EE increases survival and also accelerates maturation of new GCs, but it does not influence proliferation (Trinchero et al., 2017, 2019).” “Even in old age, though, the brain still produces about 700 new neurons in the hippocampus per day, according to a 2013 study in the journal Cell.” (link below) *EE stands for: environmental enrichment Where the is Science Headed: Through the use of neurogenesis research, neuroscientists believe they may be able to treat age-associated neurodegenerative diseases with great success in the near-future. In Conclusion: When you exercise you increase the amount of neurogenesis that occurs in your brain – throughout your entire life. By getting moving you increase the blood flow and electrical signals to the brain, this stimulates the grown of new baby neurons. So, when you think about it, by letting our kids play during the morning, before school, we can give them the best possible shot for Their Best Possible Future. (P.S. School should not begin until 10:00 am – per this mom’s humble opinion. Growing brains need sleep.) Do You Want Bigger Better Brain Buds? If so, go play, hard! And eat right, get enough rest and, make sure to have plenty of sex! Cool and Interesting Links: (zero promotional fees paid) What is Neurogenesis:,birth%20and%20throughout%20our%20lifespan. How Exercise Really Makes a Difference: The TedTalk: Related Papers: Everything exists now. In fact, all of the quantum sciences have had to do away with Space/Time - in order to get their calculations to work out. In order for their sciences to make any sense scientists in all of the quantum fields had to accept the existence of Time/Space - it's polar opposite. Space/Time is what we perceive as time, the forward movement of our lives, as well as memories which we perceive as stationary, somewhere back there. Time/Space is its polar opposite - the balance to Space/Time, if you please. It is the realm of the unmanifested. All of which exists beyond the mapping of time and its necessary linear course. Here, let me explain it this way, prior to your birth you occupied Time/Space - after birth - you exist in both Time/Space and Space/Time at the same time. The moment you die - you will once again lose your connection to Space/Time - however, you can never lose your connect to Time/Space. Time/Space is our anchor. It is there - all the time. Space/Time comes and goes with each rebirth - as it is the realm where we experience limitations and hopefully growth. However, being born into 3rd density means you have forgotten all of this. Still, your subconscious knows. As it will forever know - everything. For our subconscious is the direct line to Time/Space, therefore it is not afforded the luxury of forgetting. To what end? You might ask. To what end do our souls experience Time/Space and Space/Time? What is the point and purpose of it all? Well, I'm glad you asked, because there is a purpose to it all. An infinitely complex purpose, because 3rd density is where our souls choose a polarity. Negative polarity (service-to-self), or positive polarity (service-to-others). That's why we are all provided with Free Will and then cursed with forgetting. So that our choice will be purely intended and one made totally of our own free will. To progress... in our own unique soul's hero journey - to 4th density and beyond - we ALL must choose. Then, once (by our actions) we have chosen a polarity, we continue to evolve through all of the known stages of soul growth. (It's helpful if you think of everything being made of light, and the lower the density (1st being the lowest) the slower and denser this light frequency is.) The Known Stages of Soul Growth 1st Density That first spark of YOU begins in 1st Density - where - in this octave - fire and air inform water and earth. Here, in 1st Density, you begin to understand life, and the processes of change. 2nd Density This density is where life really begins, starting with single cell organisms, transitioning through plants, all the way through most animal species. Some animals have attained 3rd density souls, however they are still in 2nd density bodies - these are normally pets who have been exposed to the self-awareness of humans and have learned these traits. Their next incarnation will most likely be in a 3rd density body. 3rd Density This density begins with self-awareness - the light wave frequencies which are now understood by the 3rd density body are infinitely powerful - therefore a mandatory forgetting has been put in place for those given free will. 3rd Density is the realm of forgetting because it is up to each person to choose their point and purpose in life. Are you working with the system - or against it? To reach the higher densities of light you must first choose, positive or negative alignment. 4th Density This is the density of Love and Light and the density Earth has recently moved into. Beginning decades ago, and culminating on 2012, Earth transitioned into a 4th density positively aligned planet. 4th density is the density where love becomes visible, and thoughts become things. (Therefore, it was very important the system isolated those who chose in 3rd density to work for self-gain - those who chose to become cancerous to the system as a whole). *Please Note: This means, if by your next reincarnation you have not chosen a positive or negative alignment the system will reboot you on another 3rd density planet, until you have chosen a polarity and the next harvest cycle has come back around - in another 25,000 years. 5th Density Wisdom is the primary focus of the 5th density; it is taught after lessons of love and manifestation in order to balance the heart. Just as a fetus develops its heart first, and then the ear by which to comprehend - so too does the human soul - as it continues along its evolutionary journey of life. Creating vehicles of light is the final stage of the 5th density. 6th Density The 6th density balances the 4th and 5th densities and culminates in a social memory complex of like-minded individuals - who maintain their autonomy - yet also connect with a local hive mind. Creating a body made entirely of light is a stage of 6th density. 7th Density Foreverness begins in the 7th Density, where time/space is paramount. This is the density where our true connection to the creator is felt and finally beginning to be understood. 8th Density This is the first density of the next octave in the infinite symphony of life. I hope the above information aids you in your own hero journey of the soul. In Light & Love, The Storyteller Namaste The Yoga of Breathing: “These processes are taught in their depth because transforming inner energies are very important to stabilize the body and the mind.” Sadhguru In yoga, the practice of breath control is Pranayama. What Pranayama means: 1. Prana: breath, considered as a life-giving force. 2. yama (or ayama): expansion or breadth Together “Prana” and “yama” is most often translated as: Mastery of Life Force *By extending (ayama) vital life force (prana) throughout the body… one extends one’s life, as well as range of frequency. The 5 Types of Prana: 1. Prana Vayu – governs intake, inspiration and forward movement 2. Samana Vayu – governs assimilations, inner absorption 3. Udana Vayu – governs growth, speech and upward movement 4. Apana Vayu – governs elimination, downward movement 5. Vyana Vayu – governs circulation on all levels *Gaining mastery over these you can free yourself from many ailments, especially psychological ones. The Benefits: Through Yoga, and Pranayama in particular, we are able to practice mental, physical and spiritual exercises which are meant to connect us with the field of unlimited intelligence (see below for info on the Akashic field). By gradually becoming a partner to nature (our own innate nature most of all), we begin to yield some truly impressive results; more aliveness, greater self-expression, and access to an internal power-source we may never have been aware of before. “The breath… is possibly the most significant doorway into controlling one’s health.” The Four Parts of the Breath: • Inhalation (puraka) • Internal retention (antara-khumbaka) • Exhalation (rechaka) • External retention (bahya-khumbaka) *One must fully exhale in order to take in a new breath. Types of Pranayama Breathing: Agni Sara Breathing – AKA Fire Breath Agni Sara Breathing often uses one nostril - at a time in a slow and rhythmic style - that makes it an easy place to begin for new practitioners of pranayama yoga. Bhastrika Breathing – AKA Bellows Breath Bhastrika Breathing is the strong contraction (exhalation) and the strong expansion (inhalation) of the breath – much like a bellows. This technique is good for detoxifying and energizing the body. Bhramari Breathing – AKA Bee Breath Bhramari directs the mind to focus inward as the eyes and ears are closed. This technique is good for calming anxiety and also helps with concentration and memory. Kapalabhati Breathing – AKA Skull Shining Breath Skull breath is one of the Shatkarmas (six purifications). Kapala (skull) Bhati (light) breathing emphasizes strong, fast exhalations – so as to have a cleansing effect. This technique is said to clear the rubbish out of organs. Nadi Shodhana Breathing – AKA Alternate Nostril Breathing Nadi (Subtle energy) Shadhana (Purification) Breathing is a technique that balances the nadis. It balances both hemispheres of the brain and is often used for instant relaxation. Nauli Breathing Nauli breathing is one of the Shatkarmas (six purifications) Nauli Breathing is a vigorous exercise that tones the entire abdominal area. It also stimulates the Manipura Chakar – the Personal Power Chakra. *This is an advanced technique that should be taught by a qualified yoga instructor. Samavritti Breathing – AKA Square Breathing Samavritti means “Equal Ratio”. Samavritti Breathing focuses on 4 parts of the breath equally so that they are of equal length. This technique is often taught and used by the US Navy Seal teams in order to calm themselves under periods of heavy duress. Ujjayi Breathing – AKA Ocean Breath Ujjayi breathing is part of Ashtanga Yoga. Ujjayi Breathing is a stabilizing practice that is used to remind us not to rush through a practice. The Akashic Field: The Akashic field is a light band frequency which permeates everything and contains all of the information of our reality. It exists beyond space/time, and is what we tap into when inspiration strikes. Breath Yoga aims to tap into this field by creating a unified frequency resonance within your entire being – Body, Mind, and Spirit. Try it… who knows… maybe you'll discover that next great invention. Below are some cool and interesting links: (these are totally independent sites with zero connection to the Storyteller or What is Pranayama: What is Prana: Pranayama Exercises & Poses: The Vedas: Nikola Tesla: On the Akashic Records: Experiment with Kids – Turning Sound into Light and Back Again: Namaste |
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