You know you deserve better than this. You deserve action. Protection. Honesty. Integrity. Deep down YOU know you certainly don't deserve this. You are courageous because you are authentic, because you stand up and say the tough things that need to be said. You ask the tough questions that beg to be asked. And like everyone else YOU deserve to be heard regarding those who benefit from your harm! I'm sorry they dismiss your pain. I'm sorry they don't care about your loss. I'm sorry they act as though you ask for too much - while they ACTIVELY jeopardize your safety. Their actions, to keep you in the dark, to keep you at the mercy of predators, to keep you a slave to their lies... shows who THEY truly are. To so easily hurt - when all along they could just as easily heal. To so easily berate, lie, and obfuscate, when the truth would have been such a saving grace... You see it too, now... how their perceived profits will always mean more than YOUR safety. Why??? Isn't that the very definition of war? They deny you simple, basic answers. While the answers are all there - programmed quite nicely - into THEIR machines. They know what they are doing. They always have. And you... You know YOU deserve so much better than this. How many lies will it take before you finally show them the door? X 08/27/2024
They offer their poison alongside each ceremonial kiss. Slowly, over time, history written and re-written by seven evil families who have feuded throughout the centuries. We see. We know. What the evil ones do, how they slide into our knowledge bases (like textbooks & Wikipedia) and slowly rewrite our histories. But secrets whispered over time, from grandmother to grandmother - the olga of our clan - tell tales of wider ways, of higher skies, of untraveled paths, and the hall of records - that can never be erased. We are. We see. We know. Hunted, tortured, murdered by the Satanic Hand - the women of my clan, yet here I am. Here I am. Let my life be my legacy for all the world to see. What is done in the dark will always come into the light. Namaste God Bless! I had big dreams once. Not so long ago. Now, I'm just trying to keep it together, literally, as me joints keep slipping out of place. I kept thinking that I could magically get better someday, however doctors tell me that's not likely gonna happen, at least not in a physical sense. Tendons too long don't magically get shorter, damn this rare genetic condition. Test after test, x-ray after x-ray, MRIs with and without contrast - of this injury then that, first this specialist then the next. All while fighting a body that's falling apart. The old me would not have bothered. The old me (from just a few years ago) would simply have given up (she did give up). Deep breath. A lifetime of injuries finally explained. A lifetime of feeling I was different. Knowing I would never fit in... But at least I stood for something, I didn't let the bastards win. So, if and when these headaches ever take me, please know... I called the liars liars. I called the thieves thieves. I called out some of the monsters who haunt our children's sleep... I stood against violence. I stood against its glorification. I stood against profit from pain. But more importantly I loved so very deeply I devoted my labors to that love. So many wonderful people. My son, always first in my heart and mind. What a lovely life this has been. And I'm sorry if I got too distracted with cleaning up the world we live in - but all I ever wanted was a world your children, and their children, and ALL the children of the Earth would be safe to prosper in. I had to at least try. "NO MORE!" No more apathetic violence. No more psychological games. No more preying upon our most vulnerable. No more lying for gain. No more hurting each other for entertainment. No more exploiting our wounds. No more taking from the least - to continually crown a cuckold of clowns. No more children sleeping in the cold, wondering if they will eat, wondering if they will die - while we spend trillions on war. No more silencing and marginalizing voices so narratives can be bought and sold. Just think... I coulda been one hell of a contender if only I'd been given a fair shot. Who knows... maybe you'll see me again. You'll certainly see my books. With Love and Laughter, The Storyteller |
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