A lot of folks have simply given up being good people. And they don't even try to hide it. They openly impinge upon others to get what they want, AND MUCH WORSE. Other folks still try to hide their badness behind clever facades. And yet others are stuck - the people who want to be good, but sadly, have signed away all of their power, through their own behavior. I wonder, do the women of "Dune Prophecy" think they will avoid the repercussions of using an evil man's image to boost their own fame. The accountant in me thinks they tell themselves whatever helps them sleep at night, and that they know it's not enough. That somewhere it's all being recorded and someday they will have to explain. Because they are using him just as much as he is using them. And HBO uses them all - up. I wrote Sleaze Land as a warning to celebrities, as much as anything else, - as to how their handlers (the ones who work for the oligarchs) would handle them just as soon as the masses began to revolt - because the masses were always going to revolt, especially when the system is so unjust, so corrupt it has become totally unsustainable. You see, that's the thing about evilness - it cannibalizes itself- eventually. You know, it's funny (not at all, really) that my stalker once compared himself to a 'naughty Caligula" and I simply had no clue as to how truthful that statement would now seem to be. It's equally as funny how my stalker just loves telling on himself, every chance he gets. Because in his alcohol drenched mind he's certain he's WAY smarter than the rest of us. It leaves me thinking... are the women of Dune Prophecy being played for a fool by one of the dumbest and cruelest men in Hollywood? Or are they being forced into it by HBO? I certainly don't know and don't care. Either way, in my book - every single one of them is BAD PEOPLE. It sucks losing your job because you spoke up about lies and manipulations that were (are) actively harming loads of people. It meant going without healthcare far far too long. It meant losing nearly everything I have. Yet - It makes me a good person. Unlike the staff of HBO, unlike the staff at Stan Australia - who continue to compound the needless suffering of others - for reasons only they can comprehend. They are clearly BAD PEOPLE. They have used, exploited, and made insignificant that suffering for their own gain. That's pretty much the definition of BAD PEOPLE. So, now, we have bots pretending to be fans... just so's folks won't realize just how aware we've all become - of just how BAD some people in the entertainment industry can be. A naughty Caligula... indeed. Right now you have a choice. To be a good person. Or to take advantage of other people's suffering and be a bad person - like Kevin Bacon, Gerard Butler, and all of the women of Dune Prophecy. After all, that's the whole point of being alive. I hope you choose wisely. X 10/31/2024 Namaste
Every day more main-stream violence porn comes out - and every day our world grows more hopeless. It's not a coincidence - the fact all major film makers and producers (backed by the Pentagon sometimes, and banks the rest of the time) have produced a tsunami of violence and sexual assault riddled storylines for folks to assimilate (most of the time unknowingly) into their everyday thinking. (Seriously, look up the flicks the Pentagon has backed, it's eye-opening.) This is textbook mass psychological conditioning circa the 1940s (the Freud brothers - to name 2 examples). And today, Keanu Reeves is the king of violence porn. People flock to him as if they are compelled by some lower brain stem action they are totally unaware of. People flock to him, absentmindedly absorbing his carefully groomed PR image - that of a lost, hurt, lonely, pathetic white male with millions and millions of dollars - who just wants to help kids with cancer. Meanwhile he's making creepy fucking films about old men and underage girls - and of course, making the John Wick series (John Wick - the undisputed masturbatory violence king himself). There is nothing I've seen come from John Wick - or any of his diehard fans - or his production team - that tells me these are the kinds of people I want around my kids. Or ANY kids. And not just because of the non-stop violence they disseminate, but also because we have all watched as they, year after year, avoid all accountability and responsibility for the abhorrent crimes their industry is positively saturated in. You see - None of them have done anything to bring POC and women's pay up to that of their rageful white male counterparts. Or spoken up about the endless sexual assaults that take place on film every day - in the name of 'entertainment'. I've seen the voices of the marginalized silenced - while men like Reeves, Pitt, Baldwin, etc... all climbed to the top of rat's nest then declared themselves Kings. Just read their own quotes. They are monsters - hiding behind masks that decades of brainwashing has firmly held in place. Until now. Violence porn is gross. It leaves people feeling... not good. Violence porn is the symptom of the death throws of a society that can no longer cannibalize itself, a society that has no choice now but to attack the invaders, the destroyers, the predatory villains that are consuming our kids' futures. Right now most kids in the US die from firearms. And Keanu Reeves is the entertainment king here. Right now 10 and 11 year olds are wanted felons with gun charges. And Keanu Reeves is 'one of the only good guys in Hollywood', despite the fact he's never once spoken out about gun violence. When you wake up to the incompatibility of a peaceful world and a society where our heroes sell death and destruction, and victimization, and unhealthy males preying upon our children... you simply can't stomach the violence porn anymore. Unless you're evil. Roughly 10% of the population has zero empathy. Many of them are sociopaths and psychopaths. And many are running our storytelling industries (be it movies, music, news, or reality tv). We see them now. How they feast only on the basest of emotions. How their thinking can not and will never elevate beyond that of an animal - because their hearts and higher frequencies have been shut off to them. They made their choice to put themselves first. So, there is no way up - they can only expand by consuming others. And that's what they have been doing - men like Bezos, who takes 99% of every employee's value for himself. Violence porn has saturated our storytelling, our homes, and our communities. Its effects are everywhere - from "All Nude Barely Legal Girls" billboards on nearly every Texas city street - to the sheer number of violent crime victims nation wide. We have gone as far as we will ever go with men like Reeves and Baldwin leading the way. Their time is over. The rest of us have risen higher in frequency. Therefore, we can no longer tolerate their feast of flesh and suffering that has fed so many pockets, lined so many cells. We are too good for it now. At least 90% of us are. So... we must evolve into a time where storytelling is uplifting, inspiring, and fulfilling. We must evolve into a time when all voices are heard and valued. We must, for we can no longer stomach the old ways. X namaste The Ways will be built by mortal hands though immortal they shall ever be. From the seven - One - That which The Ways are built. Based upon the wisdom of The Ancestors - We build The Ways that carry us all to better days. With the seed of our Fathers - We build The Ways which restores Our honor. With the wombs of our Mothers - We build The Ways which restores Our compassion. The Ways - a celestial map - to a much higher path. We The People must all take - so together We build The Ways. Though none of us would ever say "that one is mine". For The Ways are Ours - now and always. Humanity's long-destined map. If one thought should unite us - let it be that of mutual respect. For the future is now - and nothing will be ever be the same again, not for you, nor me, nor for anyone who ever thought to see the glory of the common man. Blessed be. Exe 10/11/2024 © Raena Exe 2024 *All rights reserved. |
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