When the solution to a problem is self-evident, yet all costs are paid to avoid it - you're dealing with weaponized incompetence. Our healthcare system is a perfect example, same with the IRS tax code. Evil people (folks who gain from the harming of others) utilize weaponized incompetence perhaps more than anyone else, and will go to great lengths to avoid answering even basic questions. Corrupt businesses make filing systems and reconciling procedures as taxing and as complicated as possible, often using many levels of weaponized incompetence to hide facts they don't want anyone to know. Even places like The Small Business Development Center of New Mexico, where I filled in for the accountant for a month, was ripe with institutionalized incompetence, and this was at the very start of the pandemic. Just when we needed them most... It's down right amazing, really, to someone who spent her life reconciling accounts down to the cent (my OCD just hates a missing penny) that incompetence has been so generally accepted as an over-arching excuse for just about everything - down to inadvertently participating in human trafficking. There are so many glaring examples of weaponized incompetence from our top brass down to our lowliest performers. No wonder *over a quarter of our population is drinking or on drugs right now. Who can blame them, when most are victims who never saw justice for the harm done to them? Injustice eats away at a human heart, so much so it can turn you into something different, if you let it. The important thing isn't getting justice for ourselves, however, it is raising the collective conscious so that all of humanity can rise together above the calloused indifference that right now perpetuates so much needless harm. Lies are the safety blanket for the morally weak, who wither and die in the sunlight. And every lie comes with an expiration date, each and every one. Weaponized incompetence is nothing more than lies that have been repeated and sustained at the expense of some and to the benefit of others. It is not the tool of nobility, nor does it show an ounce of strength - - rather, weaponized incompetence is the lowest means of cowardice there is. Take heed. For once a coward's mask drops... he has nothing left to lose. X 09/12/2024 Footnote: Weaponized incompetence can mean cheering on an alcoholic as he races towards an early and disturbing death. It can mean funding the continued abuse of innocent victims in exchange for clout and 'recognition'. It can mean backing an individual who obviously acts quite regularly without character or integrity, then claiming ignorance. The coding rules on twitter are another perfect example of weaponized incompetence. *https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/reports/rpt42731/2022-nsduh-main-highlights.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwig4qjiyr6IAxXiJTQIHcF6EfgQFnoECBsQAw&usg=AOvVaw3u4abMEVyVxhEy97GjS6uv
The first rule when facing an apocalyptic future is to not think about it 99.5% of the time. The other 0.5% of the time - plan for the worst. They've been selling us doomsday fodder for decades now, and at first it was novel, then intriguing, maybe even charming (Warm Bodies), but now... it's so passe. I mean, really. Haven't we all already made our zombie apocalypse plan a few times now? But the truth is, we are all coming to the end of an age, and not the froo-froo hippy-dippy age of Pisces BS, which I totally believe in, by the way - but the ending of an age of systems that can no longer handle the technological strains placed upon them. Our food systems are arguably the worst they've ever been, despite the 'biggest brains' in the world being on the problem for ages now. Many would even argue that our food systems are designed to fail. And anyone working in or around utilities also knows, utility infrastructure in the US is archaic at best, and has already been compromised in multiple ways in multiple locations. From water to electricity - what would you do if the world suddenly shut down? Supermarkets would be dry within days. But that's not the half of it. Because there are other considerations which lay deeper within the failing infrastructures. Chiefly - - who is behind it, and why they chose to again-and-again fund foreign wars over protecting our own people? From 30,000 feet we can see that the same hands that pull funds from our infrastructures are also funding wars in other countries, as well as the displacement of hundreds of thousands of indigenous folks all around the world, from the Maasai in Tanzania to right here in the states, where indigenous folks have lost 99% of the lands they historically occupied. Those in power are constantly moving folks around a chessboard, using war, weather, infrastructure, and politics to do it. And right now they are moving folks in mass. From small farms being seized without cause to social media platforms being silenced for speaking the truth, to the insane influx of so-called refuges. We are all currently going through a period of culling, and the folks separating the wheat from the chaff aren't basing their movements on the same morals you and I hold. Instead, they are looking at people as numbers, soon digital IDs with social credit scores. With them - the almighty (and as yet unknown) them - in charge of everything. They want implantable devices (like Elon's Neuralink) with read/write capabilities that can be tracked from satellites (Elon currently makes spy satellites for US Intelligence) so they can watch our every move. Already they've seen how fast culture can be erased, written over, changed, modified, as we consume more and more facts without proof. More and more they inundate us with narratives that aid their conquest and hinder our true liberation. So, what can any of us do? And to what end? Food, water, wisdom, and grace. They're all a real rebel needs. To be cont... #FoodIsFreedom © Raena Exe 2024 *All rights reserved. I've always gotten good reviews from employers and clients because I'm a workhorse, always getting my work done efficiently and correctly. It's not until they steal my money, lie about me, or abuse my integrity that I wind up leaving them behind. For I've been the victim of greed and lies too many times to ever willfully participate in it again. Still, the traps are set. And hope often blinds one to subterfuge, even when it's grotesquely in your face. You see, I wanted to talk storytelling with someone in the business, so I began DMing with the 'managed account for fans of Travis Fimmel'. I thought for sure, given what the account knew about the seemingly very private man, that I could at least get into Travis' ear with one of my stories. Sadly, however, shortly into the 2-years of DMing I realized I was really communicating with the actor Travis Fimmel himself, for many reasons which I provide in detail a little later on in this book. For now, I just want to focus on why I chose to go down this strange and unusual path. You see, my enthusiasm and desperation combined perfectly just then to blind me to how wrong and immoral Fimmel's actions really are, how disturbed this creep has to be - fundamentally - in order to manipulate fans the way he does. So, I continued to participate in this blind-faith DMing with Mr. Fimmel through his 'managed account' for nearly 2 years - because I recognized in him a creature who was terribly sad and lonely - which was something I definitely could relate to. But after a while, as I saw how he uses anonymity to belittle folks, folks already hurting due to the myriad of impersonators (that Fimmel and his employers were not only tolerating but promoting) I began to see the man for who he really is. A man who uses people to get what he wants, be it acclaim or a scapegoat. Our conversations were dry and boring and he always centered them around himself. Not once did he say a nice thing about the folks he'd worked with, grew up with, or even his family. Yet he didn't hesitate if there was blame to be thrown around. This man wanted me to know he was legit - without letting me know he was legit - because that's the mind game he loves to play - because he thinks it proves how much smarter he is than everyone else. As I witnessed more and more narcissistic behavior from him it eventually turned my stomach so much that I decided to block him. When Travis immediately blocked me back I decided to have some fun with the smart ass little twerp, so I opened a couple of new accounts just to tease him about his 'super stealthy' disguise on Twitter. ALWAYS I revealed who I was right away, because I'm not into the same sort of games Fimmel and his friends quite obviously enjoy playing. But my chiding fell upon deaf ears and a cold heart, because instead of looking at what was going on from a 30,000 foot view, Travis was stuck staring right at my kneecaps, unable to process any of it. Unevolved folks can't understand concepts they've never encountered before, and words like 'responsibility', 'accountability', 'integrity', fall upon deaf ears when it comes to Travis Fimmel and his cohort of 'friends'. Personally, I was stunned, more than stunned. I was dumbfounded he would do such a thing, as pretend to be his own fan account when so many of his fans were already (for decades it seems) being hurt by fake and phony Fimmels - every damn day. It just didn't make any sense to me. However, as I witnessed his machinations continue, as I saw more and more women, gay men, and transgendered people fall for his antics online, and getting hurt because of it - I knew I could not remain silent any longer. So, I did the only thing a normal, moral person would do, I tried to bring his mind games to the attention of his then bosses - who are the final beneficiaries of his image - both online and in the real world. Little did I know, however, that his employers are totally in on it. To Be Cont.... © Raena Exe 2024 *All rights reserved. We are an interdependent species, constantly relying upon others in order to complete what we need to complete in our lives, be it our work, school, trade, etc. And yet, it seems there are so few people right now who are worthy of our respect. Who we can count on to deliver as promised. A doctor wastes your time and energy by not fully engaging, by not fully understanding, by instead making a million assumptions, then brushing everything you've said aside in order to stuff you full of medication they get a kick-back on. A police officer takes your report of stalking and abuse then never looks any further, because there's zero accountability where there's zero profit. A teacher doesn't fully understand the subject yet uses it anyway to convey misinformed and biased opinions on the day's most urgent topics, always... in order to pass judgment on those who make them feel small. Social Media platforms that protect everyone except for the victims. Charities that would rather champion a lying drunkard who openly abuses women, than stand with a single mum they've never met. It's so easy to see what it all has in common, all of them self-serving predators who have been given positions of power, to govern our safety, education, ability to work, or healthcare. We've become a society obsessed with status symbols - and somehow repulsed by everything they are not - honest, hardworking underdogs who have been turned into nothing more than the fodder of greedy storytellers. Yet a society transfixed on stardom and prestige - is a society that knows nothing about honor, loyalty, respect, or responsibility. No, the people who posses these kinds of qualities are to be exploited at every turn, especially if they are broken. Especially if they are broken. Terrible, horrible, worthless people now stand where noble men once stood - at the forefront of our gaze, at the pinnacle of our society, and we are all expected to clap and cheer, and suffer silently, so they can pretend hero a little longer. The world is full of worthless men who have built a patriarchal system that has failed every single decent human alive. Men who can't stand their own reflections for all they will ever see staring back at them is a spineless coward who chose easy over hard every single time. So too it is full of noble men, who society happily mislabels as less, because their goals are not of the material realm. And right now a war is being waged between the two. One day they will refer to this time as World War III - The War of Information. If you look closely, you will see it - all of the ways the truth and respect are being suppressed. "If it bleeds it leads" was the convenient excuse, but the systems of oppression are much more insidious than that. False heroes, with their false lives and fake respect, are the clarion call of the ending of an age. And all around us the last vestiges of war are being waged, with the innocent suffering most of all. What side are you on? Will history remember you with respect? Have you got yourself some sand? The world is asking - how will you respond? Exe 09/10/2024 SEEDY, GREEDY & NEEDY They knew Fimmel was luring fans into private chats for years. But instead of calling him out on it - they played along. Why? This December find out why famous male underwear model Travis Fimmel and friends have spent years playing sick mind games on social media. Or at least the reasons I suspect they've been at it - unreported and unchallenged by any of their financial sponsors. Seedy, Greedy & Needy explores not only Fimmel's role in the online seduction and subsequent victimization of his 'fans', it also looks closely at all of the folks who merrily looked the other way - in order to ride the coat tails of one of the most despicable characters in Hollywood. Totally true. Totally raw. The uncut version of a real Hollywood tragedy. Coming soon! "Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy." |
September 2024
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