(PLEASE NOTE: Tantra cannot be removed from spiritual practice, as it requires the activation of all of your chakras to engage in true tantric activities. Therefore, it is important to understand that if you are engaging in these practices without your higher chakras being activated you are not in actuality practicing tantra, you are practicing sexual magik, which can very easily cause you to take on a negative alignment, resulting in serious karmic debt.) Tantra is not a homogeneous idea. In fact, it's a rather complex concept that has been used by many different people all over the world, used to describe many different things. Though it deals with sexual energy, tantra is not a set of technical instructions, which you can easily read about in a book, such as the Karma Sutra, which is a Sanskrit text on sexuality and pleasure. Tantra, instead, is a set of practices which allows one to harness the very essence of life. But exactly what those practices are – will be a different story depending upon who you ask, as the information has been defused over many different cultures over thousands of years. I personally came to tantra via my 25 years of training in Dzogchen Buddhism which is considered an Indo-Tibetan religion. Tantra was central to many of my teachings. However, you're just as likely to come across tantra in many of the Hindu traditions (such as Kashmir Shaivism), as well as Jainism, and other Indian religions. Today, tantrism spans many different continents, religions, schools, and walks of life. Therefore, it is impossible to speak on it with an absolute sense of authority. And yet, it would be remiss of me if I did not transfer what I understand of this valuable information, as best I can, as it may serve someone who has need of it. Therefore, please understand that what follows is my own understanding of Tantra, as it was laced into my own library of information, and how I think it could be applied to your daily life. First off, it is important to understand that tantra is not a philosophy, rather a set of practical techniques people can employ within their spiritual practice. In many ways, tantra lies in opposition to philosophy, as philosophy is the practice of thinking, and tantra is the practice of sensing. Diametrically opposed in many ways, both philosophy and tantra actually function much the same way within our body/mind/soul. Yoga is fuel for the body. Philosophy is fuel for the mind. Tantra is fuel for the soul. And together they create a Holy Trinity. (Side Note: You’ll notice, if you continue studying the esoteric knowledge of the universe, you’ll keep coming back to certain numbers. Three - as in the Holy Trinity - is one of these prime numbers, which allows the expression of our reality, as we now perceive it.) For thousands of years tantric practices were considered esoteric information. Handed down only from teacher to student, its wisdom wasn't something most people could grasp at the time, not without a lot of prior instruction on consciousness, energy, energetic exchange, and the existence of the subtle realms. Protected at first by priests, then royalty, it was information that often cost people their lives. Because, entwined within the knowledge of tantra is the knowledge of your own divinity. But now, thanks to the modern information age – this information is in everyone’s hands, at least in part. Now you can find tantra teachers all over the internet, and not all of them are aligned positively. Therefore, their instructions are partial - often leaving out the parts which align a soul as either a negative force (takes energy in excess) or positive force (gives more energy than it receives). This means those who follow these incomplete instructions are most likely unknowingly negatively affecting their next incarnation. If a practitioner is not aware of the deeper aspects of energy exchange it is unlikely they will fully understand the undesired consequences such negative alignment will have on their soul. Dark tantra, or the self-annihilation through loveless excess, is something one should only undertake if they fully understand the long-lasting ramifications. Raw sexual power, as in all things, must be balanced or it will ultimately lead to the dissolution of the entity. And only teachers who convey both sides of the tantric practice are providing balance to their students. Harnessing the subtle energies of the body, without understanding the different qualities and aspects of each energy center, is the same as putting a saddle on a zebra. It might look cool for a moment. You might even get up on that pony – for a minute. But you are never ever going to ride that thing anywhere. Energy is like a coiled cobra, and just as deadly, if you don't understand how it is impacting your energy centers, as well as your organs, and nervous system. Right now, thanks to the new space our solar system is moving into, along with the collective's mass awakening, the frequencies available to humans on this planet are incredible! Mixing in tantra – is the berries!! As our solar system moves closer to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy we are increasing in energy – and this is dawning a new age here on Earth, with new properties of physics, as well as light. Most people can already tell it for themselves and need no convincing. They just need a bit of background information. In Kashmir Shaivism God Shiva is everything - including divine consciousness and the reality of all things, and within Him is His female counterpart, Shakti. Shakti sits upon Her God and drawing power from Him - dances the material world into existence. We know Shakti intimately, as She is nature itself. As the male sits in his full power – the woman staddles him – slowly, then faster and faster – she shakes the whole universe into existence. Here now, we experience the world through our senses and our consciousness. Shiva – is the silent witness with all the power, and our expression of desire – is Shakti – as we shake our world awake through action. Let’s take eating a cherry, for example. Don’t just gobble it up. That’s how the lay people do it. The adept, however, will first acknowledge their own Shiva, their own silent witness, that part which holds all of the power, then… as your tongue engages with the flesh of the cherry the whole world awakens in the experience. From that centered position all action is done with a sensual intention – the intention of full awareness and comprehension of what the senses of your body are telling you. Is it firm? Is it soft? Does it feel the same between your fingers as it does across your tongue? Shakti is singing her song to you – describing to her divine husband all of the pleasures of the world – slowly, one at a time. By this example you can clearly see it is extremely possible to experience tantra on your own – without an instructor. In this manner, it is entirely possible to progress in your learnings and understandings of the energy within, both the attraction force and the repulsion force, so much so enlightenment is attained. Pairing with an outside partner is not required of tantra, and in fact, most White Tantra practitioners are celibate. At its most basic, tantra is a way to harness our own dynamic ignorance, along with everything mundane, as the chaos of God/Source, and in this ability harness that chaos and transform it into love/light light/love. Please always keep in mind there are only 2 paths open to the tantric practitioner. The Negative Path and The Positive Path: Positively Aligned Tantra: is aligned with the 8-fold path. (See reference section.) Negatively Aligned Tantra: Anything which damages another's self or infringes upon another's free will. Sexual vampirism is real and easy to do if one of the tantric practitioners is more adapt at energy manipulation than the other practitioner. This is why true tantric teachings have been kept as an esoteric tradition for so long, because the accidental misuse by one who does not have an iron will of their own will almost invariably wind up as a vampiric exchange. Especially if they don't understand what they are doing. Dark Tantra can have serious negative consequences. Tantra – when done properly is the union of masculine and feminine – and the feeling of disappearing into unity itself. It is the embracing of the dual qualities within yourself, as you taste that cherry. It is the exploration of the erotic, vibrant, colorful, and mysterious. And it can be accomplished in many ways. Here, let me explain. By using mantras during your tantric practice, you are opening up the energetic centers in your body which align with that particular mantra. When done expertly, you will simultaneously connect to energetic centers outside of your body. Chanting Ohm (the underlying cosmic sound) for example, will energize your heart chakra, and when done expertly, while all cosmic and chakra centers are open, and while the snake of feminine Kundalini energy is raised into its highest position, will provide the practitioner with the sensation of being in complete union with God. By using different breathing techniques you can experience different types of orgasms in different parts of your body, while at the same time sensing different densities and dimensions. Each breathing technique provides you with entirely different sensations located not only in different parts of your body but different parts of your brain as well. Breathing techniques can bring on more endorphins than mainlining heroine. Combining tantra with meditation is often associated most with the temporary achievement of samadhi – or ultimate bliss. There are simply no words which could ever do this process justice. (Which again is why tantra is practical in form not philosophical. One must experience it to understand.) If you don’t understand chakras and how they affect the body, I suggest you look into it. No tantric practice would ever get off the ground without a deep understanding of how energy moves throughout your body. (You can find an amazing book in the resources section of this article.) In essence, tantra is harnessing our Kundalini energy. The Divine Female Energy – Kundalini is the coiled snake of creative energy which normally sits at the base of your spine. As you learn to manipulate this energy, getting it to rise from the lowest to the highest chakra, you will experience different levels of sexual/creative energy. Engaging Kundalini energy and focusing it on the different energy centers yields very different results. However, it cannot be understated – you must have a fully activated heart chakra for the Kundalini to fully engage your 5th, 6th, and 7th chakras. The human energy system is designed to have a fail-safe on our true potential. This gate is our level of compassion. Without a high regard for life, honesty, integrity, and honor, this gate will remain at least partially closed, and true Kundalini awakening will be beyond your reach. Those who practice dark tantra learn a work-around. I will speak no more of this practice – as it is one which always ultimately leads to the total disillusionment of the soul which engages in these actions. White Tantra, on the other hand, is the full devotion of oneself to God, and the unity of all. It is taking the highest form of love and using it as your vehicle of enlightenment. Overall, tantra is not a form of withdrawal, or renunciation. It is not done by ascetics or those who are determined to follow a strict order. Tantra is living breathing energy that relies 100% on the use of the body and its senses as tools for enlightenment. Always spiritual in practice, tantra is taking the micro and seeing it as the macro, and visa versa. It is diving into the pieces in order to recognize the puzzle. It is using the mundane in order to reach the super-mundane – the divine – the holy – the ultimate ecstatic nature of reality. Tantric practices are actions taken through time and space – used as a tool, along with bodily sensations, the nadis, and the chakras, to propel us into spaces and ways of being we could not otherwise have achieve. Ultimately, tantra connects the practitioner with the holy field, whether it is practiced alone or with someone else. Namaste Written by: Raena Exe 02/21/2024 8:33 pm *Further articles and videos on this subject will follow. Resources: Chakras Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn's New Age) https://www.amazon.com/Wheels-Life-Chakra-System-Llewellyns/dp/0875423205 Kundalini Kundalini Yoga -- as Envisioned by the Ancient Yogis: https://youtu.be/3ODfwJBDgBs?si=9EJFrWkR-mMGj9rh Tibetan Tantra Unbelievable Tantric Tibetan Ritual - Monk Explains Tummo Meditation: https://youtu.be/-MUujxAvmtM?si=db1oSy6gOkIe2uTS Tantra of Gyuto - Sacred Rituals of Tibet (1968) [Full Documentary]: https://youtu.be/qUmU-AL2GMI?si=CLozQKmqLghP5UR4 The 8-Fold Path: Source: www.lionsroar.com/what-is-eightfold-path 1. Right View A true understanding of how reality and suffering are intertwined. 2. Right Resolve The aspiration to act with correct intention, doing no harm. 3. Right Speech Abstaining from lying, and divisive or abusive speech. 4. Right Action Acting in ways that do not cause harm, such as not taking life, not stealing, and not engaging in sexual misconduct. 5. Right Livelihood Making an ethically sound living, being honest in business dealings. 6. Right Effort Endeavoring to give rise to skillful thoughts, words, and deeds and renouncing unskillful ones. 7. Right Mindfulness Being mindful of one’s body, feelings, mind, and mental qualities. 8. Right Concentration Practicing skillful meditation informed by all of the preceding seven aspects. These eight steps are considered to be of three types: right view and right resolve are related to our development of wisdom; right speech, right action, and right livelihood to ethical conduct; and right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration to meditation.” Lion’s Roar Staff
1 Comment
Robert Egan
2/22/2024 06:10:03 pm
Wow insightful inspiring and magical
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