You will not find a child today who does not know of the 4 Horsemen of the apocalypse: Death, Famine, War, and Glory. (Though, in modern times the name Glory was changed to Pestilence because the ruling class knew the hypocrisy would be just too much. But in reality, they are one and the same. The vaingloriousness of our modern elite has been a pestilence leveled upon us for far too long.) Messages spoon-fed to us by our so-call-elite to instill near-constant feelings of powerlessness, fear, dread, and the ever-present lack of hope. Messages meant to subvert, to keep the populace enslaved, to indoctrinate the young - to defeat us before the war has even begun. But have you ever heard of the 7 Angels of Ascension? Those who follow in the horsemen's wake? Love, Compassion, Discipline, Integrity, Service, Peace, and Sensuality? They are world builders, not destroyers. Unlike the heroes our children have been given to worship. Though the Angels of Ascension have been known to decimate their enemies (greed, selfishness, war, death, corruption, pollution, self-service) without even lifting a finger. As the tide moves all before them. You see, the 7 Angels of Ascension are the Vanguard of Heaven. And they have come. To take us all into another age, another way of thinking and being. Take a deep breath. The old world is dead. Only unrepentant ghosts are still stuck in the old ways. Breathe, deep, the coming of the Sun. The coming of God's love. You can feel it now, now that the umbrella of opression is lifting. Now that the heaviness of all that evil is melting away. God's love is here to stay. X 02/12/2024
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