secret keeper desert sleeper sneaker between the realms dragon rider cosmic spider shaker of these mighty helms taker of coins slaker of loins Your name ever sung staker of flames partaker of games Our King - forever young night claimer lion tamer nomad of the skies straddler of these wicked tides bridger of some mighty divides claimer of my immortal sighs Father of sunshine master of the divine leader of the sublime champion of the line Your destiny is and will forever be Mine X 02/26/2024 © Raena Exe 2024 *All rights reserved.
"Choose your enemies well." "Choose? How does one choose their enemy?" I asked. "When the time comes you'll know," gran told me. Many long years transpired, however, before I understood what she meant. Now... one of my names is Nemesis. And I have chosen my enemies so very very well. For I chose the most predatory, most vacuous evil ever found. "Why are there evil people?" I asked my gran some years later. For this woman had suffered more than most at the hands of evil men. "They are half the yardstick we measure ourselves by," she said. "Half?" I asked. "You will see in your enemies everything you are not, or wish to never be again. You will see in them all you would excise from yourself and the world, that which should be cut out and cauterized. In those you detest most of all you will see (as if painted by Rembrandt himself) the opalescence of evil, and the myriad of shapes and qualities it takes." "And the other half of the yardstick?" "Some you will wish to emulate, wish to copy, for their life-affirming lessons create in you the desire to grow, to become more, possibly the best version of yourself. For in these people you see the best and highest aspects of God." "When you take the measure of any man, determine first if they possess qualities you want to see more or less of," she often said. Now, what feels like a million years later, I have made for myself a myriad of names, Nemesis 2nd among them. And believe me when I say - I have chosen my enemies well. For I chose those who prey upon our weakest, those who exploit the difficulties our brothers and sisters have faced for personal gain. I chose liars who abuse the mentally ill and children, those who happily steal bread from our grandmothers' mouths. I chose those who rut like pigs and call it glory, those who root for themselves and their kind alone, then spend their days luring children into the abyss. I chose those who ignore the cries of the sick, the homeless, the ever-marginalized, who they weaponize as political tools. I chose the worst among us - those we all would love to see rot. Those who have formed the ever-pervasive clot - which disallows integrity and growth. For the heavens have opened. Our eyes have cleared. Hearts can no longer be deceived by false idols and their Machiavellian ways. Soon there will be no place for them to hide. No imagined Hero to take up their side. Soon - they all will face the inevitable tide. For my name is Nemesis. X 02/17/2024 © Raena Exe 2024 *All rights reserved. You find yourself upon your knees, brother for you've proven you prefer rooting in the dirt like swine like some kind of whoring bovine always begging for that meaningless shrine that long-coveted headline that diluvian pipeline you always thought was so damn sublime when all along your toys were really Mine All along you were just some silly little mime lost and out of time Let's rewind, these hands counter-clockwise till sunrise you stupid, stupid man Did you really think Father would have no plan? When there's magic yet to instill dreams yet to fulfill? Thanks to all them prayers you thought ta steal thinking you still have some kind of appeal when really, all you know is how to kneel to us the nonplussed You arrogant, evil, stupid, little man, how dangerous it is to forget the span of Our attention Our comprehension and Our universal dissension To disallow the ascension was ignorant at best brother, you must see now how utterly You failed Father's test You stupid, stupid man ever-chasing that alluvial gold never thinking instead of witnessing the eternal bloom unfold never hearing the whispered stories told choosing instead to remain so very very cold Hyperion, Father to us all, comes now to discipline His prodigal son amun. X 02/16/2024 "The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny." James Allen © Raena Exe 2024 *All rights reserved. Shall we dance like the whole world is watching waiting anticipating... that shiver only we can deliver Shall we thunder like it's raining shall we play like players who never learned what they are playing Shall we pretend we know pretend we glow as we dance out onto the street as our feet tap out the sin we knew would never win Shall we face the eternity of heartbeats spent alone knowing without them we would never have grown Shall we love like we have forever a fever that'll never fade just an endless rain an endless parade of hope and faith and everything we yearn to embrace Shall we... forever. X 02/13/2024 © Raena Exe 2024 *All rights reserved. It is the butterfly's dream to be seen not for the honey she makes but the hearts she inspires For she desires that which goes beyond riches to things that fulfill to things which instill beauty and grace and a loving for the whole human race It's the butterfly's dream to be real not an ephemeral ideal anyone could steal It's the butterfly's dream to heal X 02/11/2024 © Raena Exe 2024 *All rights reserved. Words click off stoic lips like lollies licked for fun Click wit that dried pit cherries eaten in the sun That urge to cure the eternally undone yet only a dragon's courage will ever see it won Click click tick tick the hours fly like daze lost in the mortal haze of this industrious craze a blaze all at once reality razed and you're left crying for amun for one last applause worthy boon Cuz love lost languidly like otters playing at see liltilting upon trembling lips calling out for those lost and stollen ships tossed drifting rent free tethered only to lust the mind becomes a cave built of everything you crave ignorant of freedom and everything a brave heart gave Slick wit a used cotton tip a shoulder you always meant to provide but always let slide across that great divide so wide of Wilde, Nietzsche, and most of all me if only your heart wasn't too closed to see X 02/10/2024 “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” Oscar Wilde “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” Friedrich Nietzsche Man's justice means nothing as it's spewed from the mouths of slaves earmarked for early graves it curdles the blood and makes weaklings of all who would yet pretend those who would fake being a friend Man's justice lives not in the hearts nor minds it is the chain, the whip it is the ever-embargoed ship Man's justice does not belong to you, or me or anyone God would choose to see for it is the stock trade of vile men who tether value to profit and truth to the underside of hell Man's justice has met its end with a heavenly whispered amen Sekhmet has come to even the score Seven Sisters come The Brides of God The Daughters of the Sun They raise the dead to raze the greedy inhumane souls who even now steal from the needy Dark Kali rides at her side a necklace of human heads marks the on-coming tide We come The Dark Mothers Sisters Seven come to make a noble and just heaven X 02/09/2024 © Raena Exe 2024 *All rights reserved. She took her last breath a sweet sip of candied wine Like yesterday was always fine After all, this... well, this was the reason she'd made the climb. You wicked - wicked mind A thousand deaths just to get to this one A braver quest ain't never begun Oh... shun her if you will Still She's in you now Like wool in steel Tell me, how does it feel? This last gasp of who she was... will you recall Long after she's in your pause? Oh, that last gasp Just before the old her is Finally gone Cuz Come summer... Sprawled out across the lawn She'll rise again Just like that pesky dawn X 01/01/2019 © Raena Exe 2024 *All rights reserved. I have taken your name as Mine. Its song is now in Our possession. Digression, of this dissection, never mind the intersection It's Ours We, that majestic Thee Don't you yet see? The rhymes? How they alone outlast time Let's dance, you, me, We and Thee Do you get it? This is our final chance to play the bigger lance. We fated our dreams not on you and me you silly goose but on the Thee that Octavial We and Their merry glee that's just now returning to everywhere We see. I'm sorry it burns I'm sorry it chafes I'm sorry it's making you quite insane making you quite quite lame Driving you to drink driving you to drugs How weak your heart must be ... So, why now not try to see? Immortality isn't born of greed or the desire to be seen it's not in riches birth or charm it's the churning ocean farm of love, unity, dependency and the willingness to dissarm X 02/06/2024 © Raena Exe 2024 *All rights reserved. ValkyrieWe choose souls by deeds done in battle We who hear the warrior's cry We who ride the night who fill the sky We come when battle begins We come when there are souls to claim For Freyja chooses only the purest among you And only after may Odin take his fill of those who have chosen to die for others All the rest go to Hel We Valkyrie see We Valkyrie know We come with our ravens We come by the millions to name the dead to claim their heads We, The Flames of Heaven have left our looms tapestries long ago woven Our war-song has begun Our war-drums thrum Can you hear your name being sung? Your fate our eternal thrall and here... you thought you knew it all. X 02/06/2024 © Raena Exe 2024 *All rights reserved. |
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