Dear David, While I hold no hope that you (a person who most likely has classic NPD) will read the following, I do know enough folks who do not have NPD will. Though you have set up barriers of what you deem is protection from the faults of your investment properties (Diddy, Fimmel, etc) you are bitterly mistaken if you think dumping your trash on unsuspecting people will go unnoticed. The fact is - you invested a great deal on Dune Prophecy - all while knowing your lead actor is incompetent, a drunk, and most likely a sexual predator. (Numerous photos paint a very accurate picture of the man, I think.) Also, there is simply no way that you, David Zaslav, did not understand HBO Max's involvement in the targeted stalking, harassment, and WORSE taking place for years on Social Media - in most of your promoted celebrities' names. How do I know? Because your TV show portfolio is 1/100 of what it was a decade ago. You, David, very much know every major move your subsidiaries are making, and more importantly you control the deciding vote. However, what you probably did not count on, while you were using Fimmel's former model-good-looks to lure in trafficking victims (my guess only), was Diddy and Calvin Klein's truest nature being exposed so prolifically. Not that you, david, are at all surprised by Fimmel's 2000 & 2001 connections to Diddy & JLo. In fact, my guess is that the WB arranged it all, being his 'special handlers' and all. Now... I may not have proof as to who runs all those bait and trap sites you and your BILLION DOLLAR company not only tolerate, but empower, but I do have proof you did NOTHING to stop them, and that you benefited from the harming of Fimmel's fans - and have done so - his ENTIRE CAREER. Icky... isn't it? Knowing the buck stops with you, Mr. Zaslav? You and your bachelorette wife. Here are a few more things you might want to consider before truly empathic and educated folks who are tied into your image get wind of what y'all been up to: WB Discovery seems to like filming their HIGH BUDGET PRODUCTIONS in high human trafficking regions. Just like they spent their CONSIDERABLE marketing money in a country with over a MILLION known slaves. The truth is, David Zaslav, you have no honor or integrity, and your entire plan for the future of the WB is simply more crap (like Dune) - which exploits and dehumanizes more than it ever inspires. The truth is, the WB made men like Fimmel and Diddy - men who arrange their lives in such a way as to never take responsibility or accountability for their atrocious and very questionable actions. Just because you've copyrighted more than 10,000 of Fimmel's photos doesn't mean the truth isn't out there, Davey boy. I mean... did you really think the same folks you were busy lying to and exploiting would hang on after they realized just what your plans for their 'entertainment' really are? Come on. You can't be that stupid. The future is beyond your comprehension, and it shows. Make amends - or watch as you lay to rest any chance of a positive legacy the sadistic Ted Turner III had hoped for his life's work. Regards, The Storyteller (a woman with considerably bigger balls than you have.) 12.22.2024
They want what they did to you to be forgotten, brushed under the rug, and never mentioned again.
Don't let them. They want to keep abusing old systems meant for abuse, without anyone noticing. Don't let them. They want to take from our most vulnerable, our young women and men, our girls and our boys. Don't let them. They want to distract you with fake images and storylines meant to drive you insane. Don't let them. They want to confuse your loyalties, make your forget your honor. Don't let them. They want to excuse the hurt they've caused, and somehow make it all your fault. Don't let them. They want to bury you underneath their ego and their vanity, no matter the cost. Don't let them. I know you're tired. I know you have lost hope in the decency of humanity. I know you see only the evil men who have played gods, while their owners raped our people and our lands. I know your pain. But still. Don't let them win. Our souls will not pay the price of their sins. X 12/02/2024 For all the silent watchers: you've tipped your hand. There's a breed among us who enjoy the suffering of others. It's clear in the way our society is weeping tears of blood. These sadistic monsters enjoy inflicting pain (just like my former bosses at SITE Santa Fe). How do I know? Because I've watched them do it. I've watched these power starved and morally emaciated villains hurt and harm others for their own enjoyment. The Board of Directors of the multi-million-dollar museum SITE Santa Fe, for example, are most likely all sadistic monsters - because who else would ask a cruel and incompetent woman like Clara Samayoa to run their museum? Who else would push through their hollow agendas using a spineless, clueless, imbecile like Louis Grachos to do it? Personally, I bet their questionable numbers is what keeps that sadistic family together. No... Clara Samayoa, Louis Grachos, and the entire Board of Directors at SITE Santa Fe --- have no problems preventing their hardest working staff from accessing basic care. Or a livable wage. So, to me - this makes them all sadistic monsters draping themselves in fake 'goodwill' and the very questionable label 'non-profit'. Because let me tell you this... some of those folks were/are making ENORMOUS PROFITS off of their starving staff's labor. I was their highly praised Accounting and HR Manager, so I should know. But employers aren't the only money grubbing sadistic monsters out there - oh no. Because right now... that's all that's been populating our TV and Movie screens - for DECADES. The predator is the preferred actor, the preferred model, the preferred director, and producer - so that the degenerates at the very tippy top of this sick pile aren't witch-hunted and burned at the stake for tearing our families, our communities, and our very lives apart. Predators are preferred, because they know how to groom victims in order to exploit so-called 'opportunities' to use their labor and energy without consent, and under much manipulation. From the President on down - us normal folks - are all staring UP at the very worst of us, the predators who feed on the most vulnerable of us. That's the only way these horrible, terrible people know how to succeed, to get ahead. By corrupting the positions of trust they were (by fate's hand) placed into. So many evil sadistic monsters placed in positions where they can easily destroy lives; good, hard working lives - at will. But karma doesn't sleep forever. And sometimes God will give a man a length of rope just to see what all he does with it. But the cold hard fact is - we see them now. No longer hidden in plain site - they stand out as unique in a caring world. We see clearly now, the underbelly of this sick society. And we know who populates it and why. Therefore, we can cure ourselves of their toxic influence, forever. The days of evil, sadistic rule has finally fallen away, and with it go the fake and phony establishments that only ever helped them. No... folks like Louis Grachos, Clara Samayoa, and the entire board of directors at SITE Santa Fe won't be allowed to continue to exploit their staff (where half are denied livable wages and health insurance). No... folks like HBO and Netflix won't be able to sell the victim stories to folks they themselves are victimizing. No... The old ways will not continue, not now, now that our young ones can so clearly see the damage these vile, sadistic monsters have done to the folks they love. Their time is ticking. Tik Tok X |
by Exe
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